Vascular Malformations - how frequent ?

   Color Coded Doppler provides valuable information about the blood flow within both the Carotid and Vertebral Arteries.

   Turbulent and accelerated flow due to vascular kinking or tortuous arteries can be easily documented in any of the two systems and can be accurately correlated with measurements of the vascular resistence to flow.

Functional information provided by DOPPLER SPECTRAL ANALYSIS

   Early detection of the risk factors for stroke or TIA is a major objective of the Vascular Study:
   Comparing the velocities and resistance indexes in left vs. right and carotid vs. vertebral an indirect evaluation of the cerebral circulation can be obtained.
   Thus the functional integrity of Cerebral Communicant Arteries as well as the arteries' entrance in the skull can be assessed.

   Vertebral Arteries' morphological and Doppler study can provide more diagnostic arguments for Cervical Spine involvement.

   Progression of the Diabetic disease can be easily monitored with a peripheral Arterial Doppler, for accurate comparision and correlation of physical dat with clinical simptoms

Common symptoms such as headache or dizziness could be integrated more
exactly into the right functional context to help spare further efforts and save resources or can lead to objective findings otherwise unknown.